Kannada actress B Saroja Devi said -
'I have acted with him in many films like Anna Thangi, Bhoo Kailasa, Krishna Rukumini Sathyabhama and Kiththoor Chennamma. As an actor, he showed a lot of commitment in understanding his role. As an individual, he led a simple life and was a role model for many young artists. He was known for his disciplined life style. I remember an incident when he was felicitated with his wife by the Kannada film artists association. He told me that his wife was the real backbone of the family and steered through many crisis faced by his family,'
Director S V Rajendra Singh Babu said -
'He wanted to know everything about his role -- the story and the screenplay. He had acted in many films produced and directed by my father Shankar Singh and later by me. He would keenly watch the reactions of the other artists and always accepted suggestions even from young assistants. When I was an assistant director, I was little scared to bring to his notice a small mistake he had made in his dialogue delivery. I told my director, who, however, did not find anything wrong in his dialogues. But sensing that I was little unhappy, Aswath discussed the issue with me and even requested the director for a retake. Later, he gave a perfect shot,"
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